I was asked if I am a lonely type of person, not wanting to sound like an idiot I asked him to please paraphrase his sentence because I really didint understand what he meant. He then continued to say "I keep to my little self, in a little box known as my little world and I dont like to socialise mainly because I am shy or insecure". I love how he tried to make me sound like some insignificant little thing that needs saving, shows how macho he is right? *rollseyes*...Whoa some people have really missed their calling in life, how does one make such an analysis about someone they have never met, hang out with or had a proper conversation with that didint circulate around how hot you thought they were, like totally? I suppose thats where being gifted comes in. I had one of two choices to tell him where to to shove his load of crap or to play along and grant him the opportunity to realise the error of his ways, in the unlikely event that he is that intuitive. Okay moving on... so my next question was if I wasnt that what else would I be, without any hesitation he typed bubbly,(an air filled cavity)., well thats my understanding of bubbly.
I then realised he wasnt giving me much to work with, he gave me a lengthy description of who he thought I was and the alternative to that is bubbly. Bubbly? Really? Those are my two choices I am either bubbly or lonely, from his analysis clearly this doesnt leave me with much of a choice, one thing I am not is an air filled cavity, foam what ever else you wanna call it. But I'm also not some lonely damsel in distress who needs saving from his misplaced ego.After careful consideration I then realised he wasnt totally off the mark , I love keeping to myself mainly beacause I am trying to avoid these air filled cavities that roam the earth, trying to find a rainbow. Somehow his logic started to make sense, I realised that he represents a large percentage of people across the world who believe that if you not out there trying to be bubbly and fill up spaces you are lonely and insecure, I mean why else would you be spending time alone if you dont have issues?! His truth is most definitely not my truth but trying to convince someone you dont really know that you are not who they think you are is like trying to convince a toddler to sleep, its fustrating trust me I know.
Well I might not be on the quest of finding rainbows within bubbles, but I learned something tonight if you pay attention to every little thing that everyone says about you, you will always be in crisis mode with 20 split personaities taking up space in your head, then you will start to believe their misguided "truths" of who or what they think you are. I just pray he doesnt start trying to save me from my demise, I really dont wanna crossover, LOL...loneliness knows me by name I've built a nest here.The fuckery that is people though! oh well such is life I guess.