Motherhood is a whirlwind of emotions and crazy love, coupled
with insanity and sometimes irrationality. You lose and gain yourself in this
process, the person that you used to be as well as all the misconceptions you may
have had about what motherhood entails. One can never really be prepared for
this journey, regardless of the many books you may read, you will never be
ready for the ride you are about to get on. All that you can do is give it your
best and trust that God will always whisper to you the solution when everything
seems to be falling apart. A number of things happen to a woman the day she
becomes a mother, you begin to see life and yourself in a whole new way and so
begins the process of selflessness. Every mother is different that is why it’s
so important for each one to understand who they are so they may be able to
make the best decisions for themselves as well as their baby. You will never be
the way your mother was, you have experienced life differently to the way she
has, but rest assured all the lessons she has taught you will always echo in
your ears whenever you see your child doing something that you know, had it
been your mom witnessing this, your child would have been smacked.
Humans are unique beings and each baby is different, “custom
“made to fit into his or her parents lives, this is why you can never predict
how a baby will act. I have learned that being a mom is hard, so much of you as
a woman, as a person is invested in the process, each day you put yourself out
there to be of loving service to a helpless being and hope that whatever lessons
you impart on them, will be those that groom and develop them to be functional
people. It’s sad that most of the time mothers get criticism instead of compliments;
it’s only when one gets older or becomes a mother that you realize motherhood
is a taxing role, a fulfilling but taxing role. Loving is not easy, as much as
people may assume that loving a baby comes naturally, it really doesn’t, think
about it, one has to consciously make the decision on a daily basis that I will put the needs of my
baby above my own. This is why when one hasn’t mentally prepared for this role
they can easily spiral out of control. The world expects you to know from
instinct what you are doing, to always be ok and coping and the minute you display
any sign of being human, you are judged harshly.
This mother’s day has brought with it so many revelations for
me, some understanding and foresight. I am thankful to God for the lessons I have
learned, and I realize that with each new day comes the opportunity for improvement,
for learning and for advancement. One of the lessons I’m yet to learn is that I
need to relax; not sweat the small stuff, to be kind to myself and to
understand that a well rounded mommy makes for a happy baby/child.