Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Its about that time of the year again when we look to the future with starry eyes, so optimistic about what the New Year is bringing #BLEH.Who still has time and energy to come up with a list of things theydont wanna give up? Frankly I am tired of lying to myself.I mean we tend to focus too much on what we want to do next year instead of tomorrow, cause that's really what New year is at this point tomorrow. We draw up lists of things we have zero intentions of ever working through or towards because that's what everyone else seems to be doing, so you don't want to be the odd one out who seems not to have a future "PLAN" now you carrying this burden into the New Year of other peoples expectations. STOP,Don't do that to yourself, so much time has been wasted trying to keep up, duplicate, mimick, be like other people. ENOUGH!

So now establish what your needs and wants are,what I want and need in my life may be what you dont even think or dream about, which is fine, your needs and wants represent you. If you have to put a time frame to working on them (BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO), but make sure that they are in accordance with  1.who you are currently, at this point in time( state of mind, emotional health, well being) 2.determine what you are capable of doing now (strengths, resources,abilities). Its always easier to work on things that don't require things that are outside of you first(money, other people), find the most realistic, simplest and easiest way(s) of reaching your goal(s). Its important though to take note of all the things that you achieved this year that you were not even thinking about/planning, all the things that "sort of happened", the little changes you have seen in yourself, the progress you have made with issues you used to struggle with. Those are the thing that matter, the things we ought to look to instead of trying to fit into a mould.

At the end of the day " you can plan a pretty picnic but you cant predict the weather"
 you don't have to have all the answers (be like Sway) LOL... Allow yourself to live, dream, be bold in who you are, who knows what will happen then. Last but not least be merry, toast to your dreams ( the ridiculous ones that others don't know about)  usher in the New Year being happy, forget about everything else that is not as it should and celebrate what is. Happy New Year peeps!!! Be safe.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


How hilarious and direct is this message?! I came across this today whilst I was busy on the net (avoiding work ) feeding my obsession of working out and just generally being healthy. If anyone was to go through my search history on the web, they will probably think Im some boring middle aged woman because  I am either trying to learn something new, finding out new realeases on book, or the quickest way to burn 100 calories in 5minutes, every minute counts when you gotta run a household and spend time with your loved ones.So when I saw this picture I thought I should share it.

 I don't know about you but  I believe if one was to have this on their fridge especially during this time of the year, when the only thing people are interested in is eating and drinking,it may help to curb the regular trips to the fridge, the letters should be in BOLD RED. Dont forget all the people that are going to invite you to their soiree to split bread and drink the night away,  you may convince yourself that when you eat at someone elses house the calories dont count, contraire fatty, every bite counts...This then means you should also have a reminder on your phone to alert you every hour that you should put that drumstick down...LOL. Theres nothing wrong with a little indulgence, the problem comes in when that becomes the norm, and you don't burn as much as you consume, before you walk out the door you take a detour to the fridge.

So here's a Lil advice to those who are health conscious and trying to lose a few kilos, remove everything else from your fridge door (this includes your kids abstact drawings) and put up  a poster written WALK AWAY FATTY!!! This is just to supplement the work that you are doing and to ensure that you don't go a overboard this festive season, and if you are not planning on do any working out during this time, you probably need to put this poster on the pantry door as well just as a safety measure.  Dont let this get in the way of you enjoying the festive seasoon but do remember whatever you consume in December you carry it with you to January :) Happy nibbling kiddies, the stuggle continues!