Thursday, June 19, 2014


This is Rea in the picture , my 2 and half year old (terrorist) who is full of life, vigor and fire, a true Arian. see just how happy and unapologetic she is with how she is feeling ? When I took that picture of her she was really, really happy, so much that she was drooling, but she didn't care about what i thought she continued to laugh. 

Ever take the time to ask yourself this question? "Am I happy with myself?" That's a line from one of Beyonce's songs titled "PRETTY HURTS" that songs speaks to a lot of things we tend to ignore and overlook as people while we busy with our to-do lists (listen to it when you get a chance) I  decided to ask myself this question, "Am I happy with myself ?" Am I happy with what is happening in my life, with how things are going, with the person I am becoming?! I believe this is a question we all ought to be asking ourselves, sit down quietly, comfortably and think about your state of happiness as it stands, currently. How do you feel about you outside of things and other people? It is important that you are really honest with yourself in this regard, you have to block everything else out, YOU should be the  main focus. 

 A lot of times we tend to associate happiness with things that are outside of us; forming attachments, belonging to a circle, purchasing something we have been coveting over for months. we have reduced it to acquiring and hoarding things, its not about that, far from it really. This is why feelings brought on by these things are fleeting, compelling us to go searching again for the next IT thing. 
I believe that when you have peace within, when all is well with your soul , your mind is not racing , you are not anxious or stressing about anything , you have an attitude of gratitude, you are closer to ultimate happiness than most people. Now for the cherry on top, surround yourself with people who challenge, encourage and cheer you on, this is the next next step to getting yourself to a state of true happiness, forming attachments with solid people who are free of toxic negativity that erodes the soul. Boy are those hard to come by, the world is filled with people who think being sad is a thing, sadness has been trending for years now.

Spend time alone, quiet the mind and listen to the voice of God (insert dramatic music here), yes the voice of God. The voice of God for me is the answers I receive when I am alone, silent , lying down and just breathing. controlled breathing is a hallucinogen of note, try it sometime, the natural high is unmatched. Anyway,  I found that I find the answers to questions that have been plaguing my mind without even trying when I am in this state. Its as though I can hear a voice whispering in my ear, telling me exactly what it is I need to do to overcome whatever obstacle standing in my way. This is when I then realized that God does speak to us all the time   we are just too busy to slow down and listen. We fill our lives with clutter and senseless chores that take away from living ,we just go through it.

With a change in attitude, mindset and how we treat ourselves, relate to others and contribute to the world, happiness is within reach. We don't have to act like we are OK, and hope that no one interrupts our performance as we immerse ourselves in sadness. Soon as you open your door, the sadness of the world is right there to greet you and fill you with despair, you don't even have to search, pain will find you. This is why its important that each of us, define what happiness means to us individually, without making the opinions of others points of reference we always consider before we make a move, to be bold enough to listen to our hearts and pursue our passions. Passions mirror to us what our souls need to be happy, this is why we find such fulfillment when we pursue them. So be honest with yourself, search your soul, forget about whats on the outside for a bit and tend to your inner being.
Nurse your heart, nurture your soul and nourish your mind with what brings you peace, then you would have unlocked the key to happiness. You wont have to look to others to do that for you, they will be adding to what already exists. 

Its all love :)

When you're alone all by yourself (pretty hurts, pretty hurts)
And you're lying in your bed (pretty hurts, pretty hurts)
Reflection stares right into you (pretty hurts, pretty hurts)
Are you happy with yourself? (pretty hurts, pretty hurts)

You stripped away the masquerade (pretty hurts, pretty hurts)
The illusion has been shed (pretty hurts, pretty hurts)
Are you happy with yourself? (pretty hurts, pretty hurts)
Are you happy with yourself? (pretty hurts, pretty hurts)

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Did you read the caption on the picture, do you believe it to be true?? Think about this for a sec..When you meet someone new and they interest you, and you start to imagine how being with them intimately will feel like, what are the key factors you take into considerations? Do you ever wonder about that person’s aura, their energy or the karma that they are carrying around or are you just mesmerized by the aesthetics?

We are told that the minute you have sex with someone you also sleep with everyone they have ever slept with and their energies also become part of who you are. That is such a hard pill to swallow, a hard truth if you may, now you start to wonder why things aren't going your way, everything just seems to be going wrong and you always have this deep heaviness that you can’t attribute to anything specific. You know deep inside that you need a cleanse of some sort, detox the system maybe you will feel renewed.
 When things aren't going your way do you ever think that it could because of all your sexual escapades? There is always energy being transferred in our daily lives, when you partner embraces you, for the rest of the day you will feel on top of the world, they have shared their positive energy with you. The opposite happens when you fight with them, you will be affected by their negativity, the tone for the day will be set by that one experience and from then on everything will seem to be going haywire. Unless of course if you consciously change your mood, either through music or by calling friend and ranting about your partner to them. The negative energy has to be transferred.

It makes sense then that when you sleep with someone who is karmically loaded, you absorb all that baggage they are carrying with them and it now forms part of who you are.  It fills up the crevices within you that have been left empty, molds itself to the contours of your being and settles. I have learned in the years I have dealt with human beings outside of my parents realm and influence, that there is more to a person than meets the eye, we are not defined by our physical attributes only, there is the spiritual, the mental and the emotional states that should also be taken into consideration. Everything is connected; this is why stress can make us physically ill and for healing to occur the body must find its balance again, you need to quiet the mind, meditate and the back pain will go away.

It’s funny how we are so weary to let strangers through the door to our houses, but we don’t seem to mind as much when it comes to sexual partners.  Very few of us think of it as a merging of souls, we allow others to invade our being for a roll in the hay. Think about it this way whenever you met someone and the two of you didn't gel, it’s because your auras couldn't blend, your energies were not on par with each other. This is why you couldn't open yourself up to them, it’s not a coincidence it’s your spirit warding off what could possibly be turmoil that will leave you worse off than you were to begin with. In conclusion  word to the wise always listen to what your spirit tells you… your third eye is not limited to physicality, it penetrates the soul.
Always remember you are a spirit in a physical form…

It’s all love…