Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Love or sex??

I was facebookin earlier today and i saw a status by some gal sayn"she wants to fuck for fun"that comment had me thnking.more and more women are expressing such views lately,they are breaking the norm,following their desires and to a point acting like "men".
are men to blame for the recent actions of women?or hav we always been this way we just plucked up enough courage to be ourselfs or are we just lying to ourselves by thnking such behaviour wil ever be acceptable by society.
it is clear that of late women go into relationships just for the pleasure of sexual pleasure,where they dont expect love,kids,a house a cat,dog and a goldfish..they are just after the thrill of an encounter with a man they probably just met.
for the other majority that want what society expects us to have as a true definition of a well balanced life,what matters to them most in relationships??and if people were made to choose between LOVE AND SEX which one would they place the most value on.would they rather be with someone whom they love and who loves them back bt doesnt reli satisfy their sexual needs or they would rather hav the best sex dependin on what that entails for each individual and minimal emotinal fulfilment.
are we driven by the same thngs as men and women or are somethngs due to preferance,enviroment or we all gravitate towards the same thngs and is itthe response that differs?for that select few that have the best of both worlds what secrets arent they sharin with everyone else.will we eva get to a point where wmen wont be crucified for their sexuality and men nt mocked for their comitnent to1woman.wil we eva live to see the day were our eyebrows wnt be raised when a woman says she just wants to "fuck for fun" n nt atribute her decision to low morals,bad influence or delusion.or is that all farfetched?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

the green monster

We all knw that feeling that everyone gets but no one proudly admits times its hard to figure out or evn undastand when is it acceptable for a person to display this feeling.even though that is the case it has been associated with other strong feelings-love,anger,hate,envy,lust to name but a few.
it is somehow expected and strangely accepted if you love someone and you display it every once in a while.the problem only starts when it is displayed in large volumes,when it takes over ones life,their thought processes,decision makin and general relation to others.Can jealousy be a higher form of love,the whole belief that too much love will kill you or ir that statement misguided on its is caring and kind and any negative emotion or action that people associate with love represents somethng else..anyway..a number of reasons have been given for this erratic behaviour,a lot of the times people are jealous of you because they envy what you have and thus wish they were in your shoes.with that being said how do u continue to relate to people who in essence wish everythng that you have,every good thing happening to you was happening to them?

can love really look beyond human error or in reality no one is trully ever happy for another,people pretend so good that their fake smiles gurantee us they are truly genuine with us,or we just overlook the obvious because we care about the relationshps we have and we fear being alone in the world. on the surface should we be "flattered" when someone is jealous of us is it a deep sighted way of saying you are on the right track?
or should it be a warning sign that one should cut their losses,although it might be cute now it will surely end in disaster.or is jealousy one of the truest reflection of how people really feel and everything else in between is faked?

Friday, May 7, 2010

caught up!!

its amazing how the older you get the harder it is to trully voice your thoughts and share your some how have to learn to find a vessel that you will use to somehow clear your conscious and filter your soul,a vessel only known to you,and at the best of times it doesnt help your mental and emotional healing.its a temporary solution to an ongoing need to connect and relate to someone,if everything was to pile up without ever being unloaded somewhere even if its not much,we will all be walking time bombs

as hard as it is to be real and trully vocal it is even harder to be vocal with our loved feel carrying the daily burdens on your own ,wil l make them less real as you dont have to relive them each time you share them with someone..sooner rather than later the silence becomes too much for you to handle,still u suffer in solitude.caught up with no escape,who will stop to look long enough to realise your falling apart and save you from your mental slavery...rescue pending till then you remain caught up

Saturday, May 1, 2010

im so happy for you...not

its amazing how hard it is lately to be trully happy and share your emotions with your closest friends and loved ones about your life experinces and special moments.theres always feelings of bitterness,anger and hate just lingering in the air.when you display your true emotions you are seen as showing off and not being sensitive to other peoples feelings and their current situations,you have to underplay your joy cause you dont wanna hurt your friends feelings because she is having man you have to fake your happiness.its clear when you look at them how painful it is for them,how they wish it was them and how quick they are to point out to you yea we get it you are so happy...why so much hate??

there's reason a lot of people are so unhappy is because they are never trully happy for other people..their too full of resentment to invite happiness into their heres my thought stop hating and trying to shine on other peoples moments and just let them enjoy their special moments,in so doing you are opening the doors to your own joyous moments,besides these moments are usually short lived...