Thursday, May 20, 2010

the green monster

We all knw that feeling that everyone gets but no one proudly admits times its hard to figure out or evn undastand when is it acceptable for a person to display this feeling.even though that is the case it has been associated with other strong feelings-love,anger,hate,envy,lust to name but a few.
it is somehow expected and strangely accepted if you love someone and you display it every once in a while.the problem only starts when it is displayed in large volumes,when it takes over ones life,their thought processes,decision makin and general relation to others.Can jealousy be a higher form of love,the whole belief that too much love will kill you or ir that statement misguided on its is caring and kind and any negative emotion or action that people associate with love represents somethng else..anyway..a number of reasons have been given for this erratic behaviour,a lot of the times people are jealous of you because they envy what you have and thus wish they were in your shoes.with that being said how do u continue to relate to people who in essence wish everythng that you have,every good thing happening to you was happening to them?

can love really look beyond human error or in reality no one is trully ever happy for another,people pretend so good that their fake smiles gurantee us they are truly genuine with us,or we just overlook the obvious because we care about the relationshps we have and we fear being alone in the world. on the surface should we be "flattered" when someone is jealous of us is it a deep sighted way of saying you are on the right track?
or should it be a warning sign that one should cut their losses,although it might be cute now it will surely end in disaster.or is jealousy one of the truest reflection of how people really feel and everything else in between is faked?

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