Thursday, January 30, 2014


We know that all too well don’t we? Someone pays you a compliment and instead of you just gracefully saying thank you, you grin and say “thanks, you too” cause you want to be nice right?! Or you quickly dismiss it by saying “eish wena mare” like it’s nothing or it doesn’t mean anything to you, and just like that you have rejected love and appreciation without even bating an eyelid, such a pity.

It’s also this thing of teaching people how to love or do anything by instilling fear or inflicting pain, our socialisation is flawed from the onset. We are taught to feel bad about ourselves, to downplay our achievements or to be apologetic  about what have, how else can you explain the knee jerk reaction to negativity so many of us have soon as positive energy is directed our way? Having kids will show you just how much society impacts and affects how we see ourselves, what we believe we are worth and how we accept abuse just because we have been led to believe that we deserve it.  They live in the moment, appreciating each warm gesture and always spreading love, they live their truth.

Okay back to the topic at hand before I start going on and on about my girls, here goes…What is so difficult with saying “thank you, I appreciate it” instead we go on and on about how “it’s nothing”  even if it means the world to us , we say things like “this old thing, I’ve had it for years”  while referring to  something that is far from looking raggedy  and last but not least “I am actually not that good at this, you should see so and so...” when someone praises our skills and abilities.

The amazing thing with all these behaviours that do nothing except to make us doubt who we are and always question what we know, is that they are universal, and now because of technology negativity is already up and about before you have even brushed your teeth waiting you to log on to the world. I can’t help but wonder though, who teaches us that we are not worthy? Could it be that the reason we have such a negative knee jerk reaction to compliments is because we don’t hear them enough from home, so when you hear them outside of home, they are foreign to us? Does accepting a compliment translate into vanity? Does it make one an ego maniac to say “yes I actually worked hard on this therefore I deserve to win” is the line between self –confidence and arrogance that thin that things tend to get blurry?

One thing that womanhood has taught me is that I have to always try to recognise and appreciate my efforts, I have learned to accept compliments and not feel the need to “be nice” if that wasn’t my intention in the first place at the time. Don’t get me wrong, I am not implying that it’s wrong to pay back a compliment after someone has paid you one. But there is nothing as nauseating as a half arsed compliment accompanied by a fake smile, where it even appears as though the person is suffering from diarrhoea as they say it, that is just painful to watch and so unnecessary.

I do believe however that we need to learn to radiate positivity, to consciously unlearn what we have been taught by people who didn’t/ don’t have the faintest idea how a positive self-image affects a lot of things. It is through these small but collective efforts that we will be able to change our society and influence the world. So the next time someone pays you a compliment relish it, take it all in and say with the broadest of smiles thank you, then keep quiet.  You don’t have to pay back a compliment, and you don’t owe anyone anything just because they paid you a compliment, learn this know this engrave it in your heart and mind. Go out into the world spread the love it usually doesn’t cost a lot…LOL ;)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

MEDITATION! I have been saying for years how I want to learn how to relax and meditate, quiet the mind and just breathe. A number of times I found myself sitting there in my imperfect Chinese pose-trying to relax, first of all it’s pretty hard to try to relax when you are sitting in a position you or your muscles are not used to, now your focus is shifted and you keep thinking how uncomfortable you are feeling. When you finally manage to sit, without toppling over you already feel like you have been trying to meditate for too long now, so you quit and make plans to try again either later on or tomorrow.
See unlike stuffing ones face with junk, lazing around on the couch and being a major worm, training the body and mind doesn’t come easy, it requires effort, and a lot of times this effort takes its own time to show results and as luck would have it we want quick fixes. So waiting it out is not for the faint hearted or the weak-willed. It’s quite amazing though how hard it is to quiet one’s mind and just breathe there is always something we are thinking about, fretting over or calculating, one hardly ever gets a chance to just sit back relax and allow all thoughts to dissipate. Our attention is always required be it urgent or not, someone always needs you for something, whether you like it or not. I don't even think we actually know how to, I don't remember being taught how to relax, I do know though that people will keep on telling you "you need to relax" but they never go into detail, just how you are supposed to do that.
I have decided that this year, this month, from now on... (No, this is not a resolution) I am going to learn to relax, breathe and let go, I am going to connect to my spirit and just find inner peace-Kung Fu Panda style. I think the key to meditation and relaxation is letting go of the control and power we "need" to have over things, people and situations, when you are able to do that, then you can be able to quiet the mind and be at peace. I’m going to start now after I’m done posting this and see how relaxing my jaw, straightening my back and breathing helps me relax, then again that may prove difficult seeing that I am not in an environment conducive for meditation. Nonetheless I’m going to try, that is the first step to everything that later proves worthwhile right?! With that said let me get to relaxing, I suggest you do the same and remember to breathe.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


This is one of the coolest things I have seen this year, and I deemed it fitting that I share it with all of you, especially now that the year is beginning and we have all these dreams, hopes and aspirations we are all working towards. I have decided that I am going to print this and put it on the fridge, that's the best place for me because we open our fridges every passing moment, so every time you either open it or walk past it, you will be reminded of this wisdom. This is one of those things we need to be reminded of , because we tend to forget about these lessons even though we know them.

This also reminded me of the heart rate monitor at the hospital, where when the line is just straight it means there is no more life in the body of the person laying there, meaning life was meant to have tangles; we were meant to grow and overcome, and the only way we can do so is if we learn to untie the knots that try to block us. Its in our genentic make up, we were not made to run away from trials and tribulations, when we should be manouvering thorough the twists and turns that attempt to throw us off course. Go against the current and all that jazz.

If things are a bit tangled right now and you believe success is out of reach, do not despair, you are actually on the right track learning all the skills and tools you will need again later on in life to untangle whatever dream you will be working on at that moment in time, this life is a journey, one can never be done living out their dreams , we can never be done birthing and bringing forth process in us that haven't even germinated as yet, so keep on keeping on, when you get tangled up, know that there is a way out,there is always a way out.

May 2014 be nothing you expected it to be, may it challenge you, in ways you had never imagined, and may you grow in all the process that reveal who you are and may you be bold enough to live your truth, afterall this is just a ride, dont let the downs weary your sensitive soul and dont let the highs go to your head. Live!!!

Its all love...