Sunday, December 7, 2014

I want you to want me….

I’m going to be bold and say exactly what lies in my heart, what I carry with me in my spirit. I’m going to go right ahead and expose myself to you, be vulnerable without shame, undress in full view of your love or judgement. I’m going to let go off all the fear that overtakes me whenever this thought, that I should open up crosses my mind.  The thing is…I want you to want me.

I want you to want me fully and wholeheartedly without a flicker of  doubt, I want you to wake up and want to be enveloped by all that is me, the essence that embodies this body and  houses my spirit. I want you to want me. 
 I want you to want me when I am   amazing and seem to have positive vibrations reverberating through me… I want you to want me when I am a mess, and I seem to doubt all the things that rang true to me yesterday…      I want you to want me

I don’t want you to need me, for the mere fact that needs are ever changing depending on the circumstances at hand, I want you to want me because wants are selfish and bold , they reveal the true nature of  man, whilst needs are considerate, somewhat safe and misleading… 

I want you to want me

I want you to want me for I will be your deep seated desire since time immemorial what you lie awake at night hoping to one day conquer, whether you were able to act on this yearning or not would be of no importance because, I would be what you have always wanted, and this will always be true to me. This desire will be rooted in your loins for that reason it will always be with you.  I want you to want me because that will be a conscious choice you make over a selection of many others; you will say to yourself she is who I want to have and to hold when I’m sure or uncertain of life’s many things.

As I say these words over and over in my head, as they continue to be engraved in my heart and spread across my entire body with every breath that I take, I have no other choice but to let you in on the secret…
I want you to want me, equally but not less than I want you.
I want you to want me
Why do we get so irritated when things don’t go away? Why is it that as human beings we get frustrated over the things we cannot control? We put ourselves under so much pressure.  Well hey maybe because we believe we are masters of the universe, the world is our oyster right? . When you go on about in your way and things don’t pen out the way you had envisioned, how could you have possibly known that the outcome will lead to heartache and pain? Of course you didn't, you just did at the time what made sense to you, otherwise why would you set yourself up like that? 
There are so many things in life that have left me exhausted, exhausted because I had gone over them over and over asking myself how  could I have been so DUMB?
I mean it was obvious that to anyone with a brain that “THIS” will not work out!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!  What I failed to realize during this “you are such a moron session” was that the reason I was able to point out the errs in my judgement was because I was not the same person I was when I acted “stupidly”, I had shed that skin, I was a new being now, I had grown and matured, and this was evident because I was able to look back and question the motives behind my actions.  I had gained new powers and had new insight; I had new formed understanding of who I was …
The only problem was that I couldn't realize the strength that was brought on by those moments of weaknesses or errors in judgement, because I was beating myself up for not knowing what’s going to happen next. How insanely arrogant is that? In the grand scheme of things who the hell am i?  I will always be thankful for the day I stopped judging myself and treating myself unfairly, it was as though a load was lifted from my shoulders, I was able to look myself in the mirror and see me for who I was not the mistakes I had made, I started to look at myself through my mother’s eyes, you know how your mother will love you regardless and see the best in you even when you fail?! That wisdom that mothers have come with years and years of trial and error, they know through miscalculations and misguided actions that in the end things always work out, Stop beating yourself up. I began to love myself, really love myself, not the idea of me, but the person I was within when I’m not trying to fit into societal molds It’s amazing what self-love can do, it can open you up to a world you never knew existed, a world where you are human.  Human in a sense that you are not a supreme being, you don’t have all the answers, at any given moment the only thing you can do and are able to do is your best, nothing more, nothing less.

Sometimes we choose to do less than we are capable of doing because our hearts are not in whatever is keeping us busy at the time, so our focus is in turn split. One of the things that have been revealed to me during my quiet moments is that we always, always know what’s best for us, the only problem is that often times we ignore what we know for sure, we suppress our needs so that we can please others or gain favour with the masses, then we go out of character.  Sometimes you haven’t really experienced life, therefore you are unable to connect the dots, for instance you should know that if you want to have kids that will, let’s say help you in your old age, you should take care of them now, nurture them and shower them with love, teach them about love and generosity through your actions, when they are older they will be to you what you were to them.   You will be able to cultivate from them what you planted…That is the connection.

The wonderful thing with being human is that we are blessed with a functioning brain that is able to think critically, the only catch is that you have to train it to think all the time, to question, probe and seek knowledge far beyond what it can currently comprehend. It’s OK that you don’t have all the answers that the only thing you know for certain is that you are alive at that present moment, as I’m writing this that’s what I know for sure , that i am alive, what I choose to do with this knowledge is what the world looks at and in turn judges us on. The mere existence of this knowledge counts for nothing, if I am not willing to use it to my advantage, I don’t even have to have special abilities, those I can learn along the way, what is needed is the willingness to learn , to be teachable to improve.

Everything in the world came into existence because someone thought of it. They thought about it and set on the path of making this thought tangible, they didn't have a crystal ball showing them exactly how things were going to pen out for them; they just went with what they knew for sure in their hearts. The recognition by the others is purely coincidental, because one doesn't always get recognition for their efforts, this shouldn't deter you from bringing forth what lies beneath, when the moment is right and the stars have aligned the accolades will follow, it’s just that sometimes you may not be alive to busk in the glory, you fulfilled your purpose, its legacy will be the spoils enjoyed by your seeds.

Part of the reason life is so stressful is due to the fact that we want to control every single aspect of our lives, we want to know what is going to happen next, we want to strategize our next move, macro manage everything life throws at us, and wonder why we are bodies are  imbibed with aches and pains. We forget to just BE, lead a life of always doing, we are encouraged to be movers and shakers, to be thought leaders, to develop new ideas and be innovators, but no one is encouraging us to just BE.  It’s all good and well to be great but sometimes you just need to be...BE ALIVE..BE HAPPY… just BE and breathe.

You know that feeling of relief you get when you breathe in and out, and let go of every single thing that you have been carrying with you along the way? That feeling of release that is what being human is at its most basic level. Inhaling in the goodness and exhaling what no longer serves us, now we do the opposite we breathe  in some good and  we  forget to  exhale what we no longer require., over time our system begins to slow down, because it can no longer function at its optimum  level, all the baggage we have as nooks around our necks begins to suffocate us, our breathing starts to get shallow as a result, we experience pain with every breath taken , we get sick, burn out, fall into a depression,  we in turn resort to using substances to help us cope but somehow nothing changes.  Nothing will change until such a time we let go of all the toxins (in whatever shape or form) harming us. 

Letting go is by no means giving up, letting go is a gift of freedom you give yourself to say did my best, and at this point I don’t have the knowledge or the resources to handle THIS, when I know better I will do better. For now I have given it my all, I need to regroup, remove myself from the situation and see if I won’t gain new insight, and during this process , the words that you should be murmuring to yourself as you try a new path is that RELAX ITS GOING TO BE OK… A phoenix rising always rises from its ashes, with no scars or blemishes... ;)