Sunday, July 4, 2010


We are known as the fairer sex, believed to be beautiful, sensitive, caring, thoughtful, loving, considerate humble and conservative, prudent. When looking at all of the values /characteristics I listed above only few women can be found to posses them. The things that our mothers and their mothers before them used to pride themselves by are the very things that the modern women are against and trying by all means to steer away from .it is true that times have changed and that we were exposed to things that our mothers only got to experience later on in life, and also they didn’t enjoy the freedom that the modern woman now enjoys. With that said the collective pride that women have to have has gone to the dogs. We have reached a point in time where man can bad mouth us, look down on us and they would be justified. We expect respect but we don’t have respect for ourselves and fellow women.

For as long as I can remember I’ve always wondered why women hate other women, why would a woman be nice to your man in your presence and totally disregard you as though you are less than dirt. The only way a woman will be nice to you is if she doesn’t consider you a threat to her or her this few that act decent regardless of the fact that they don’t know you from a bar of soap. Growing up my oldest cousins had this close sisterly bond that made me wish I had an older sister; they were as thick as thieves supported each other through anything and everything and confided in each other about whatever was weighing heavy on the other one. Naively I thought this was the general relationship between each and every women, that there is a sorority of some sort something that resembles the movie “the sisterhood of the travelling pants” boy was I wrong. Thinking back on all my girlfriends as I was growing up the relationship we had I realise now that a lot of those relationships only lasted that long because I was a kid and I wanted to have playmates, if we were to be friends now we would never get along, as a lot of them we didn’t have anything in common and their general conduct is totally different to how I am right now. With growing up you realise that if as a woman you want to have other women in your life they must be people that are going to mould you to be better, correct you when you are on the wrong path and always look out for your best interests.

Less can be said about woman’s relationships nowadays, majority of them are founded on jealousy, envy and competition. We rejoice at the sight of one of sisters being disappointed, getting their hearts broken and generally failing with regards to achieving what they set their hearts on doing, them succeeding means that the spotlight is now removed from us and we can’t all look good, someone has to be a “LOSER”. All this escalates when man are involved, we become vicious, spiteful, manipulative and vengeful. Men despite their faults and whatever else that we manage to blame them for they have a brotherhood that in most cases if it’s true, real and sincere it won’t be infiltrated by a woman, That’s what we need as women to stop seeing each other as enemies but friends but the key ingredient lacking is loyalty.
I don’t have that many girlfriends in my life purely by choice, experience has taught me that people aren’t what they always seem and if you let anyone get close to you and know the inner workings of your life let it be someone who more to lose than you or who is on the same level as you. Smiles don’t always mean a happy heart, so know your friends, rate them and put restrictions on them. For instance if you know your girl is a bed hopper it will be foolish of you ask her to look after your man whilst you are away, not that you don’t trust her with him but you merely limiting the opportunity and not flirting with the devil. Most women are loyal to themselves regardless of the friendship you might share with them and others stick closer to you that a brother and sometimes we are unable to detect the friend from the frenemy , and until a person can prove themselves “trustworthy” keep them at arm’s length. Regardless of how bad women’s relationships are lately and how we are always in cohesion whether we know each other or not there are still good women out there who have respect for thyself and for others and these are the women who one should associate themselves with.

Maybe one day we will get to a point where women will empathize with each other and we will be able to have bonds stronger that men and not feel threatened when we see a beautiful women enter a room and subject her to name calling without knowing her from a bar of soap. Until then we remain best of enemies. men don’t trust women, women don’t trust women, so who trusts women???

1 comment:

  1. 'Bed hopper' lol
    I have 1 girlfriend in my life,she's sincere,real,honest and wishes nothing but the Best for me. Funny thing is we don't see each other much,but I know everything going down in her life before it even happens. For me,that's what being 'my bestie' means. I don't need gifts,visits,constant calls and sms's,I just need someone to 'get me' and I can honestly say Dineo is past that level...

    Thanks again for your piece of mind
