Monday, July 5, 2010


They are in my opinion by far one of Gods precious gifts, there is just something about them that gets you all warm and fuzzy inside, whether they are yours or belong to someone else unless you hate kids of course then the above mentioned does not apply to you. I love kids I've always loved them I believe they are little angels walking on earth because for some reason they have the ability to comfort you in the best possible way without even saying a word. God works through them.

Kids are also the most honest people you will ever encounter in your life –whilst they are still young anyway before they get to understand the world and its ways, you can count on a kid to always tell you their state of mind whether you agree with it or not , that is not the point. In psychology it is believed that 2year olds display a healthy set of emotions without inhibitions than any adult walking the earth, they are able to show you how they feel without pretending, they never hold anything back or bottle up any emotions, when something bothers them you will know about it right there and then not two weeks later , the way adults operate we wait to reach boiling point before the next person gets to understand that what they did offended you or hurt you in some way or the other, it can be said to a certain extent that kids have Emotional Intelligence-describes the ability, capacity, skill or a self-perceived grand ability to identify, assess, manage and control the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. I am not saying they posses all the skills as the explanation states they are however able to identify their emotions as they happen, they won't be angry and display approval and contentment about what has occurred, fake smile their way through conversations so that they don't upset anyone or be forced to agree with what has been said, they will let you know how they feel without flinching.

They are able to do this because they don't know of the many social restraints that adults are faced with on a day to day basis, they are still learning how the world operates and that certain behavior is frowned upon in some societies even if it's acceptable in other societies. It is our jobs as parents to put a lid on those emotions and to control how they should behave when they are in the company of others and shut down any sign of honest and genuine emotion, we might also be feeling at the time ourselves because society considers it taboo, and so begins the path to destruction.

A number of parents (adults) may differ with the following statement, from the minute babies are born we want to turn them into adults and most times we do it unconsciously, we speed up their growth and expect them to behave like adults, mothers are most guilty of this not to say that fathers don't do it but we all know the influence that a mother has on her family, with that said in other societies it's the complete opposite. We see the potential that each kid has and all that they can become when they are older, whilst this child is still in diapers and we try to cultivate that talent and turn it into something big. In some cases we still away their childhood because some of us have forgotten how being a child is like, what having fun is all about regardless of the fact that you have company or not.

What is it about growing up/getting old that steals away all the innocence that you once had as a child? Can it solely be blamed on society and all that we get to see and experience in the world? Can an adult be forever young in spirit without being mental and disregarding all the adult duties and responsibilities? Is it possible for one to achieve this without being irrational and illogical, is being young linked to child-like behaviors and attitudes that get numerous tags, labels and stigmas in the adult world. Why as people do we always remind people to act their age when they display a certain trait of youth? (By youth I'm not talking about being irresponsible, reckless in behavior by escaping being an adult and reliving your childhood) I'm talking about following your hearts desires buying a bike if you want it and feeling good about it because it is not linked to a midlife crisis, it's your own expression of being free and liberated like a child. Following your dreams without the presence of people who act like wet blankets that discourage and talk down anything and everything that is important to you mainly because society decided it was childish. Most of the time we discourage in others the very things that we are interested in ourselves and don't have the courage to pursue, so it becomes easier to shut down that flickering candle in another person's life.

The things that I value most about kids a few and in between but they are in my books some of the best qualities you could ever posses as an adult: honesty, laughter, fearlessness, unconditional love and complete trust. How many of us as adults can honestly say that we posses these qualities or have people in our lives that live by them, we are preoccupied with appearances , showing off and having one up on our friends that we fail to see the bigger picture.

I guess we can spend more time with our kids some of their good nature will rub off on us; we will become better role models and mentors. In essence if you really think about it being an adult does not equal having the monopoly on life and it certainly doesn't mean you always know what you are doing. So here's some solid good advice aspire to have the heart of a child free of malice and full of love, be spontaneous and have fun. Show those that you love how much you love them, give them a hug, no one is ever too old for one of those and most importantly laugh more often and with your heart, learn to give in and allow positivity to rule your life. BE FOREVER YOUNG!

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  1. Inspiring words hey,wow! I can see from all the adilts around me that they really do expect us to act like adults but they don't realise that as long as we are on this earth we are still children...God's children and since God says that we are His children, who are we to change that. He has the Highest Authority so we should do as He why not be young at heart? those who are young at heart live longer and their charisma, enthusiasm and positivity rubbs off on those around them. They inspire and motivate people, you end up wanting to be like them. I love it when people are positive about life, when they have energy and never letting the world put them down. Wow! how great we can all be with alot of laughs, love and positivity. The world would definately be a better place. Thank you for this wonderful piece of thinking out of the box, it is inspiring, very beautifl and extremely calming. I wish you great blessings for you and your family.
