Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The more that you grow up and interact in the world the more you realize that the truth is taboo, and speaking the truth will land you in hot water. With that said though we need truth and honesty in our lives, regardless of how unpopular it is. The thing with the truth is that there is no excitement to it, its brutal and unfriendly that is why most of us shy away from it. A loved one once said to me the truth is short, there are no plots or layers to it, that’s why humans don’t ever want to hear it, and unlike lies that have a life of their own once they are put out there in the open. The truth remains constant and unchanging you can’t add on to it or take away from it, it is what it is.

People prefer lies, we much rather be lied to than face up to the boring truth with its simplicity and plainness’, there isn’t any adventure nor popularity to it. isn’t it funny though that the one thing that is supposed to gain you friends and make you an asset to whoever is in your life is the one thing that makes you an ogre that everyone is afraid of? So as people we leave it alone because everyone knows you don’t wake a sleeping bear. There comes a time though when telling the truth is all that you have, all that could save a life be it from ending or destructing, that’s where you need to bite the bullet and hope to God that one day the person will realize that it wasn’t out of malicious intent but because you cared enough about them o be real with them.

The world is so full of fakeness that being real makes you the odd one out, we live in times where you need to suck up to people to get ahead, have food on your table, make friends and even keep people In your life, otherwise you will be the one left to suffer. On occasion you will come across people who share your insights and boy is that a breath of fresh air that even your brain cannot comprehend the realism, that you yourself end up thinking you are been taken on a ride that you never signed up for. I do realize that there are times when the truth will do more harm than good and I personally believe if whatever you disclose to a person will cause them more harm than good then rather contribute to their good health and keep what you know to yourself, because sooner or later whatever they don’t know will be made public just don’t be caught in the line of fire. Lies need ore lies to grow and flourish they can’t develop in secret and hiding that is why even when people claim to have kept a secret it always finds its way out, and for you to keep it in captivity for longer you need to put more guards(lies) on the job to keep it at bay. Being human it is expect that we will always choose actions that will bring us more pleasure than punishment, even if it’s at our detriment at the best of times, and as we linger on to be soothed and caressed by the lies we tell ourselves we still get hurt and devastated when it all blows up in our faces, because we had hoped that the lie had a longer life span.

The truth is hard to swallow because of its bitter nature and whilst it’s claimed that it will set you free, it won’t do so without suffering. There is nothing worthwhile in this world that ever comes easy or without stepping on people’s toes, be it directly or indirectly, fairly or unfairly. Is it realistic then to expect people to be honest with us when it has been proven for years that expecting fairness, honesty and integrity won’t get you anywhere in this soiled world we occupy. Should we live our lives expecting the worst of people and hoping for the best will that then make the truth less hurtful because we have already conditioned our minds for the worst case scenario?? As I write this I realize that asking for the truth won’t always bring me joy nor peace of mind and sometimes it is comforting to bask in the warmth of lies and allow its numerous delusions envelope you and keep you warm, like pissing on yourself so is living in lies you will be warm (happy) for those few minutes soon as the cold air(truth) comes and the heat(lies) escapes ,you will have to deal with the nasty stain on your pants. In the end we all have to face up to what is out there….the truth

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