Sunday, January 29, 2012

Let me in...

Can't you hear me knocking or should i break this door down?
 I have been out here in the cold awaiting your warm embrace. 
Your resistance is starting to tick me off, I can't for the life of me understand why you are doing this. 
You know how I love company but here you are refusing to open up to me.
 I have been at this door knocking hysterically, pleading to be let in but in the cold I remain.
Why wont you let me in...

I keep changing faces, transforming,evolving so you may not recognize me...cause then you would flee.
My patience is wearing thin and if I don't feed off of your energy soon, I may never have a hold on you again. You may start to welcome in that joy and happiness crap, we cant have that now can we?!
I'm lusting after that weak spirit of happiness that lies within you, 
that you hardly ever embrace because you and I are best of friends.

So what if I bring along baggage with each visit?
 Surely by now you have learned to deal and cope with all that us being friends and all...
The hate that harbors in the hearts of those that let me in, like the stench of rotting meat I linger on
Ensuring that nothing but worrying, pain and misery live there, you know I never come alone. 
The turmoil that follows soon after always puts a smirk on my face,its like icing on the cake really.
There's nothing like the comfort of a lonely spirit, where hope has departed and negativity reigns,
no amount of make up can disguise that sadness, it always pierces through.

As the hairs on the back of your neck raises and everything is in disarray I am gratified.
Anything to kill the silver lining try to bring some golden moments into your world.
If I allow that to happen soon after you will be floating on clouds and being all grateful and appreciative.
The thought of that alone sends shivers down my spine...oh wait I'm spineless, but you get the idea.
Come on just let me in... its starting to feel lonely out here, I need your acknowledgement.
Don't be put off by the baggage I bring, lets keep each other company.Nobody wants to be lonely, please just let me in that's all I ask. Let me in

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