Sunday, March 22, 2015


Its Sunday I’m at work counting down the hours till I can reclaim my life again and go live, be with my family spend some quality time before the start of another week, you know regroup. As I’m siting here looking at the grey skies I’m thinking about an article I just read of a guy who decided to drive into a loaded truck because he couldn't take the pressure (of life, business…) anymore, as he could no longer provide for his wife, who has in turn started entertaining other men who could provide her with ABC… I’m sitting here saddened by all this I mean at what time did we get to this point where people are killing themselves over material things? When did we become this society?

You know the thing with death its that’s its final, there is no do overs, no second takes, you cannot come back once you are gone, that’s it curtain roll…suicide is always such a touchy subject because for me I believe we should look to the people who surrounded this person, the people who formed his world, in there lies the answers. This person was desperate and couldn't reach out to people that were supposed to love him, they didn't feel safe enough to be able to rely on them for whatever or go to them for support or solace so they decided to end it all. It’s not because they were tired of living, they were let down.

There is so much pressure of late with everything , there are always those pop up messages everywhere around us, in our homes , communities in the workplace among our friends telling us that you are not worthy because you don’t have 1..2..3.. And as a result you will never be happy or fulfilled; you will never have peace of mind.Every day we are killing ourselves trying to get it all, be all, conquer the world, a lot of times this is done outside of the bounds of noting resources we have available on hand at the time, we fail to take into account what we are able to do at any given time and as a result we put ourselves under immense pressure where failing is inevitable. You have been bending for so long that you are weak and the only thing left is for you to collapse. We are not “failing” because we cannot do whatever it is we are trying to add on to our already loaded plate what’s causing us to fail is the fact that we try to do so much too soon, let me use an analogy that will bring it closer to home, you go to the gym for three days and on day 4 you already want to do things that people that are at the advance level are doing.

 Your muscles haven’t even gotten used to you being active, You haven’t given yourself time to get used to the routines, increase your reps as you gain more strength and develop your own technique but you already trying to do too much, because you are busy looking at the guy next to you and trying to do all that he is doing cause hey he is not about to “beat” you, you going to show him.  These are the moments were logic abandons us, we fail to take into considerations that there is work that has to be put in for a one to be able to master a certain skill you don’t just wake up one day  run a marathon. You have to keep at it. It’s a slow process.
The same with life, if you don’t pace yourself, you will eventually burnout because you trying to do things with minimal resources, there are things you still need to learn about yourself, the world and dealing with others before you can try to venture out and broaden your horizons. Some skills have to be learned through experience you cannot mimic through observation of others, and usually these are the type of skills that take time and require patience, lots and lots of patience. It hardly ever happens over night.

Its quiet unfortunate that at times we associate and end up loving (broken) people who are either in love with the idea of who we are, or they love what we can do for them, not us. These are people who are always looking out for number one, people who operate on self-preservation mode, its either you or them and they won’t hesitate to throw you under the bus if need be. We are such champions at being to true to people who only serve themselves and their purpose. What is sad about these types of situations which have become the template for modern day dating is that when tragedies such as these happen, we are all shook by the incident but we soon forget and continue to try and GET IT…WHATEVER IT IS…Even if it’s evident that its killing us.