Wednesday, October 10, 2012

OCD,CSI and all things weird and crazy

I've been thinking lately about the type of person I am, my personality  all the things that excite, unnerve , annoy and leave me speechless.I know for one that I don't mind spending time alone, in fact I  quite enjoy it, this is when I get to regroup, calm down and do some introspection.I guess what I was really thinking about is why do I like the things that I do and choose not to entertain the rest, what influences my decision making and thought processes? Don't worry I'm not about to go into the whole nature versus nurture debate,as  I believe they both contribute to how we behave as people its just the degrees that differ, one cannot be placed over the other as more important I believe. The one with the most influence will determine your behavior to a certain extent, how you see the world, interpret it and relate to it, lack of exposure to new experiences, more often than most is what puts a person at a disadvantage, and "unable" to function in the world.

OK,  Let me break down the title of this blog; first and foremost  I am a Virgo woman and I know you have heard all sorts of things about us Virgo's , at the top of that list is how we suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD), we all know what that entails, they say that we are anal retentive, we have a bug stuck up our arses, we are picky and hard to please, all shades of negativity basically, positive qualities are hardly ever mentioned in these things.Well the way I see it there's nothing wrong with knowing what you want , how you want it and when you want it, that way you able to apply yourself and yield positive results.You understand the kind of person you are and you are less likely going to put yourself in situations that will have people disappointing you or not living up to your expectations, all this means that you re considerate as you will never expect someone to be what you cant be to yourself, and not only does being specific save time, it makes life a lot easier, manageable.The world would be a much better place if everyone did what they are supposed to do, when they are expected to do it, I believe that people would be more responsible in their actions. I'm not saying that is all that is required to have balance, there's still egos, stereotypes, fear and insecurities to deal with, the complexities that make up who we are.

 Anyway moving right along, one of the shows I love watching on TV is CSI , let me explain why; I'm fascinated by the human mind, how it works, reasons, justifies and accepts all that it does. with that said I find the criminal mind, insanely interesting, the psychotic behaviors that influence how some people choose to interpret their surroundings behave and relate to others in society. There is always a story within a story right, the fine print, the facts that are present but require probing for them to surface. I have always wanted to know what informs the decision of someone who chooses to go against convention, to not only bend the rules but break them, dismantle them if you may, to separate themselves from accepted forms of behavior within a society and rebel. I want to know why would anyone risk being branded a "monster",is there some sort of intense gratification that us mere mortals are unaware of?!. It is often said that at our core we are animals, everyday of our lives we are in character attempting to be human and appropriate, this is why sometimes we act out and do the most outlandish things that unnerve other humans.So these people that give in and go against he grain,  do they do so knowingly, do they make a conscious decision to attend to their every whim or is the childhood development or lack thereof to blame?! Are the situations that happen to us that can exempt us from taking responsibility for the way we behave, where society understands why you behaved he way that you did without passing  judgement of how you are less of a person than the rest of the world?! So this drama series dabbles on that to some degree, crime solving, understanding the mind of the perpetrator  gathering evidence and putting together pieces of a puzzles you didn't even think would be connected, to solve what seemed like an impossible crime from the beginning.

Seeing something being formed out of nothing right before your very eyes, is beyond words,there's nothing like it, its mind blowing or maybe its just me being weird again but with that said I have learnt that weird is good, creepy on the other hand is what unnerves people.I always get strange looks whenever I share this with people, some automatically assume that I'm "disturbed",how can I be intrigued by such? Trust me that's not how I get my kicks,I'm curious by nature, and I get satisfaction from learning, new information and discovery. I just think that its better to understand different things,situations more so when they relate to behaviour and especially if the behaviour in question differs from your own significantly, that way you are better equipped to deal with it instead of acting like it doesn't exist. We are different as people, we each have our limits, things that give us butterflies and those things that give us cramps; a variety of things capture our interest as individuals I just believe there's nothing sinister with sometimes questioning why we like the things we do and why do we hate the rest that we totally shun them and block them from our minds. Understanding oneself leads to a better understanding of others, and understanding leads to tolerance and open mindedness,learning to handle and deal with opinions that differ from your own, matures you as a person,because you challenge your mind, your belief systems and your understanding of the world. Tolerance and acceptance of different situations and people is what we should all work on, the world would be a lot less violent that way, but most times we choose to assume, because fear governs our thought processes. Baby steps right?!

Its all love...


  1. I agree that the way to co-exist with those who are different from us is to be open to learning without judgement. Learning what governs the behaviours of others not only equips us with knowledge, I believe it affirms in us even more the position to know what who we are and understand better those things that we will not stand for or that we do not want as part of our make up.
    Ultimately though, as much as we may learn about what makes people rebel even with exercising tolerance. I stand in the corner that says, our behaviours and actions should not be justified by our past. We are all consequences of the decisions we have consciously made. We should not use lack or the past as an excuse for rebellious behaviour.

  2. Couldnt agree with you more, ultimately people have to own up to how they behave.
