Saturday, October 13, 2012

When the friendship just dwindles…

Don’t you just hate it when that happens? It’s Saturday night and I’m relaxing with my glass of wine and watching cartoons, mainly because my lil girl is still up, she has until 9 o'clock then its bedtime, that's modern parenting for you, anyway...  The reason I’m writing this article is because I was missing one of my girlfriends and I wanted to send her a message, then I remembered that for some reason she isn't talking to me. Well I don’t have a lot of friends as I like to keep a close knit of friends that I can rely on, and I know that they will always be there when I need them, I don’t necessarily have to talk to them or see them every day but i still hold them dear to me.

I think we have all went through this where you were once so close to someone that you were inseparable to now turning into total strangers, and one will wonder how could you even allow things to go that far, but here is the thing with me anyway, if I know that there isn't anything that I did that could have upset you, I will go out of my way to engage you, and if upon doing so I find that you are not exactly receptive I will withdraw and leave you alone, if you cannot e adult about things and address me on what you feel was wrong doing n my part, why should i jump through hoops trying to get your attention?!. When whatever has upset you eventually fades away then you will talk to me, cause I really don’t understands if we are all grown with kids and husbands some of us, why are we still acting like kids?! Why do we allow petty emotion to get in the way of what we consider friendship?

Whatever relationship you find yourself in you are going to fight with the people that you love, and your hope is that somehow you will always be able to find your way back to each other; the good times that you share will triumph over the senseless misunderstandings that may occur from time to time. It’s hard to establish meaningful relationships the older we get as we are all set in our ways and no one is willing to compromise who they are or what they believe in just to be able to call someone a friend, then shouldn't the natural thing be compromise?! Well I don’t know how things are going to end up with my girl but I hope that one day we will be able to get over this rift, as I hate misunderstandings and the drama they bring with them.

Few things are true in this world and if you find yourself in a position where you have genuine friends that will be there with you through all the trials and triumphs, then you should consider yourself blessed, genuine people are hard to come by and I am not one of those people who just wants friends for the sake of having them.i want quality people in my life, who will contribute to my growth, I believe that the people that surround you and that you let in to your life should be people that will choose first to do more good than harm, people who won’t just agree with all that you do but will be brave enough to be upfront with you when you are tumbling down the path of self-destruction. People who will be to you what you cannot be to yourself when you are not thinking straight, and you are being stubborn about obvious things. I value quality over quantity anytime and when I am able to recognize that in a friend, it’s a quality a hold dear and treasure with all of me. As I sip on some of this wine and watch Snow White, whilst making sense of everything that is senseless, I realize that sometimes you have to let things take their natural course, space is not such a bad thing as it allows us the opportunity to realize what might have been escaping us all along, well that’s if you are present in your life and are sensitive to all that happens to you and through you. Well let me get back to my wine and Snow White, I am sure there's is something IN there worthy of a piece. *sips on some wine*

 It’s all love…


  1. I just updated my facebook status with a friend in mind and how we had drifted apart. I was thinking why can we not embrace our differences as friends but believe we have to be exactly alike to get along, if not the friendship fades.
    Funny how Devine Intervention let me to your blog after that.
    Its really heartbreaking to go from totally inseperable to strangers, to have nothing left but the memories. Mare Ive made peace with the fact that, when I have done my part to reach out. I should accept without bitterness when its not reciprocated.

    Hope yo and your girl find your way back to eachother.

  2. I saw your update,I don't know about that, hey it might never happen ,but I have made peace with it though,I have nothing to feel guilty about.
