Friday, November 30, 2012

Dream killers.

Everyone either knows one of those, or has at one time in their life encountered a dream killer. Someone that will go out of their way to either directly or indirectly crush your spirit or to pee on your dreams cause they have given up on themselves.One may ask how does a person continue living if they no longer dream, or believe they could ever amount to more than what they already are, how to you live each day knowing that there is something that you really what to pursue but you have somehow convinced yourself that not having it is OK?! It is true that life can get very discouraging , especially if things don't seem to be going your way after countless efforts, but does that mean you are allowed to give up and then attack anyone that still believes in the beauty of their dreams?!

I am of the notion that if you have a loser mentality, you do not want anyone else around you to be successful, the mere fact that they are pursuing their dreams rattles you and your rather comfortable and delusional world. Being a loser has nothing to do with your current socioeconomic status, but rather how you view yourself, what you think you are capable of doing and whether or not you believe in your dreams and abilities. If you don't believe that you will ever amount to more than what you currently are, in my books you are a loser. You have given up on yourself , and that is the worst thing that a person can ever do. The way the world works we have to first believe in ourselves and than get everyone else on board  and the people who already believe in themselves and have achieved greatness, will help you realize your capabilities if you fall short of seeing them either for good intentions or to exploit you.

 One of the worst things a person will ever have to  live with is regret, regret and fear. Knowing that you didn't believe in yourself enough to risk it, to try the impossible, to be daring, to just throw caution to the wind and just go for it. The sad thing is that most people that end up being dream killers, aren't even aware that, that is who and what they are, they have done it for so long that to them, its just like breathing, second nature.Even if you were to enlighten them and show them the errors of their ways, they will give you a hundred and one excuses of why they are not taking risks or pursuing their dreams. It is said that with paying bills and dealing with the hassles of daily living, dreaming ceases to exist. I personally do not believe that, for as long as you have a goal in mind, breath in your nostrils and belief in yourself there isn't anything that you will not be able to achieve. That dream you have could be the only thing keeping you from going off the rails.

 All that you have to do is to block out the noise, soldier on and know that, it wont be easy but that doesn't mean that you should give up on yourself. Life has a funny way way of switching up, turning the pauper into a rich man, and if you believe in the beauty of your dreams, anything IS possible. Just don't allow what is to cloud what could be, we don't all blossom or break out of cocoons at the same time, but if you keep at it, you will realize your dreams.

Its all love...

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