Friday, December 7, 2012

You must learn to say thank you...

 We have all heard this before, how we must learn to be appreciative of others not only that but express it to them as well. Ideally we should all  be grateful, seeking things in our daily lives that we are most grateful about, big or small. Focusing only on what is positive and fulfilling and not fretting over things/ people we have no control over. Realizing when we have won (personal struggles), and not continuing to fight even though victory is ours. Sometimes we don’t even realize when we have reached certain milestones, because we never pause long enough to take in the goodness and immense ourselves in it.

 I also believe that this is very important for any and every relationship to work, whether it’s between friends, lovers or a parent and their child. We cannot just assume that someone knows that they are loved and appreciated; we need to affirm it to them, so that they may continue to be great and not get discouraged. As people we have an innate need to impress, especially to people that mean the world to us, and when our loved ones, recognize our efforts, nothing is more valuable. It also teaches us not to be selfish and self-involved, assuming that we are doing it on our own, when there are people who are contributing to us achieving our goals and making a success of our varied endeavours.

I have decided to consciously be aware of all the goodness that surrounds me, to acknowledge all the wonderful people God has blessed me with , and to not just think it but to share it with them as well. Even the most insignificant thing, can brighten up someone’s day,change their view of the world and whatever negative thoughts and feelings they may have concluded about people. You can never truly know how heartfelt your thank you will be appreciated by someone unless you say it, don't over think it just do it. That's how we sometimes mess up, we over think too much, and end up not doing what we had intended.

If you wake up each day appreciative of the fact that you had a good night sleep and you take it from there, there is very little that can happen that will set you off and put you in a bad mood, that is not to say life won’t happen , it always does. There are also all the negative voices that talk down on anything positive that you may be intending on doing, they too will always be there, don’t fret, just learn how to quiet and eventually silence them. This is why we have to be conscious in our daily lives, be present and aware; experience every rhythm, sensation feeling, so that nothing ever catches us off guard. Take each day as it comes, take in every lesson it brings with it, discard whatever negative feeling/issue/person that doesn't serve you or contribute to your overall wellbeing and continue being grateful.

I’m thankful for today and that I was able to share this with all of you, thankful that God continues to show himself in this life he has blessed me with, he remains faithful. Thankful for my family their support that encourages me and their unconditional love that reassures me and strengthens me when I’m weary and overwhelmed. They keep me grounded. I am thankful for what is and what is still to come.

Its all love…

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