Friday, March 1, 2013

pieces of you...

My mind keeps showing me images of you, as though I have met you before, there’s a certain familiarity I feel every time I’m confronted  by who you once were, and still I do not know who you are. I feel a shadow cast over me and envelope me, with a comforting sincerity, a promise that all is going to work out in the end, I can’t help but be apprehensive because deep inside I feel as though I’m losing my mind.

  Our paths have never crossed yet our lives are intertwined, I see pieces of you whenever I walk passed a mirror, and I’m almost certain it’s your shadow I always see whenever I channel my mind’s eye. 

I keep wondering and asking myself if maybe I have met you, the problem is I just don’t remember where and when. Logic fails me whenever I try putting things into perspective, could my mind be failing me or is my heart trying to channel my mind and remind it of the splendor it once knew.  You haunt my existence, each day I am consumed by the thought of you and I feel your penetrative force trying to make a home within me and dwell there for eternity. Feelings of what could happen if I just let you stay a little longer are what propels me to keep letting you in, my curiosity keeps getting the better of me. 

What if I let you in and I lose who I am?! I’m afraid that one day you are going to be too powerful l for me to ever resist. There’s a certain emptiness I feel whenever I don’t engage you, or entertain thoughts of who or what you could be or mean to me. My soul yearns for all the lessons I know you carry with you, the wisdom of things past that I still need to learn and still I’m perplexed by how I can feel so close and still not know who you are to me.

I look for you in all that surrounds me and try to find pieces of me there, there’s an overwhelming need  I have to make this connection, I need to bring you out to life, maybe then my  mind will know peace.  I hope the next time you creep up on me you will show me more than a silhouette, I hope that you will turn around and face me, maybe then I will know you have a part of me that has remained dormant all these years and now wants to be brought to life, or maybe you could be the fire that burns within and is tired of being extinguished, so you want to set my world ablaze and open my eyes to the burning flames of possibilities. How do I open myself up to you and convince my mind that you are what my heart needs? The pieces you have revealed to me aren’t worthy of me trusting you with who I am, even so I can’t shake this feeling that I need to connect these pieces of you, only then will my mind find rest... For now I’m still haunted by pieces f you….

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