Saturday, March 2, 2013

Simple bare neccesitites...

This is something I came across on the net and I thought it was pretty neat; it’s simple yet holds such a powerful message. I am going to share with you how I relate and understand these words. The first word is TRUTH, the one thing we all claim to want in our lives, we want people to always be honest with us and tell us the truth, but when they share a truth we are not yet ready to deal with we lash out and distance ourselves. There is nothing wrong with seeking the truth, I'm all for it actually, the truth will opens doors that you didn't even know existed, it broadens your horizon and expands your mind, and if you are willing, it may even change you. Usually your reaction will determine whether you grow or remain stagnant.

The second word is FREEDOM, a basic human need I say. The freedom to be anything and everything you want to be, the freedom to be you without fear of judgment or rejection. This is another thing we claim to want as humans, we dream about it. Plan for it, and even see ourselves living it. Freedom carries with it the burden of responsibility, whilst you are busy living, one should bear in mind the rights and needs of others. You cannot be totally free until you can help free another; we are connected after all, by time, relations and situations. When you discover a truth that sets you free from whatever chain, that was binding you, it is your responsibility to offer the same courtesy to your fellow men, how they use it is entirely up to them. You would have done your bit, started the process to self-actualization. Whoever chooses to be free should realize that, with freedom come tolerance, variety and options. When each person is on their path to self-discovery, they may choose an alternative route to yours, one that you may not agree with, support or even be able to live with, and when you come to this realization, remember to practice tolerance and understanding, and stay clear of judgment and condemnation.

The third word is BELIEVE, a word that usually gets  lot of flak because it is confused with religion, I believe that every human being has to believe in something far greater than them, something that inspires them to do more and be more, something that compels them to change, touch lives and give off themselves to others. Whatever forces that drives and motivates you to be a better version of yourself, to learn to fly without wings and soar to greater heights, to be daring, fearless and confident. Believing in something is not always easy, there will be outside forces that will derail you, make you question what you thought you knew, and fill your mind with worry, anxiety and doubt. Be prepared to fight tooth and nail for what you believe in, for you will be taken to task. When your mind is right and you have your ducks in a row, whatever problem you might come up against you will be able to tackle head on and come out victorious.

The fourth word is CHILL, take a breather, relax and just appreciate each moment. With the struggles and hassles of everyday life and trying to survive, taking time out to smell the roses is a luxury most cannot afford. Life will have you in a tail spin trying to make the ends meet, that everything else in between is deemed unnecessary and self-indulgent, but it is good for your soul that every now and then you take time out to just be, to get lost in your world and discover yourself or work on yourself. To take in all that nature has to offer and find your place in it, for the body to perform all the duties, the world expects of it, the soul and mind have to find peace. You have to block out the noise and just be. Recharge and refuel, so you may be able to meet your obligations and life's duties.

The fifth word is DREAM, we hear this all the time, never stop dreaming and believing in yourself and your goals, if you work at something long and hard enough, eventually it will pen out. Sometimes you might have to go back to the drawing boards and rework your dream, but you should never give up. I know it’s easier said than done right, I mean there is only so much rejection a person can take but I have learned that if you don't view it as rejection, but failure of others to envision what you do, then you won’t give up on yourself or your dreams. There will always be naysayers but if you nurture what is most important to you, you will be able to focus on that and block out the noise of everything else that doesn't serve you or your purpose. Daydream, see it in your mind’s eye, then bring it to life, only you hold the key to that.

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