Thursday, July 11, 2013

People are NOT God.

Where do I even begin with this, the beginning is always good I suppose and no I don't just mean Genesis. You can calm down this is not a piece about me trying to convince you to believe in a God who doesn't exist, for this purpose he exists for me(he has always existed) It is also not about Kanye :) *shrugs*. It is said that we are made in his(God) image, we are like him right?! So is that only like a physical(looks) thing or do we also embody his personality and attributes? It is said that God loves us because of who he is, not because of our works(what we do/don't do), that way we cant go around boasting and saying "I did this, therefore, God loves me more than you".  See its my understanding that he knew that its one of the flaws we human beings have, bragging; but were do we get that from we are made in his image aren't we? So aren't we being like him?!  See where I'm going with this, or is IT one of the things we picked up along the way towards adulthood, anyway, lets move on.

With humans its different, you have to do certain things, be a certain way for someone to love you, you have to appease them and if you fall short, well you can kiss that love goodbye. Humans don't love because they are loving beings, they love for selfish reasons, well most of the do, actually the majority do, and the few that actually love because they are loving people, no one talks about it (them) or even believes it. We will actually go out of way to discredit such, to look down on it and even call the person delusional. We were taught to be suspicious, to always look for faults even when there's no need, to punish just so we can establish if the person was sincere all along or if they were just taking us for a ride. I read somewhere once that if you want to experience true love as a person , you should have a baby, WHAT? Yes, babies/kids know what true unconditional love is. When I first read this it went over my head cause I was just thinking about it superficially, I didn't seek clarity first, cause that means then I wanted to understand and at the time that wasn't my objective, I wanted to discredit it, because it just sounded crazy to me, first of all what to babies/kids know about love.

We assume as parents/adults twe teach kids how to love, which is not the case.For those of you who don't have kids let me explain, since I have kids. Children are born loving, they do not bear any grudges, they allow themselves to express every emotion they feel as it happens, if they are angry with you trust me they will tell you all about it, they will call you out on what you did, and even tell you to ask for forgiveness, so that the two of you can move on with life. They understand that love cannot be expressed in a place of hurt, when you are in pain, that becomes your centre of focus, you divert from your true nature, which is to be loving, so once you deal with the hurt you can go back to being your true self, amazing isn't it?! If you happen to cause them to cry and they walk away from you,the minute you call them they will come with their arms stretched out,embracing you, the same person who caused them pain, now tell me is that how you would act if someone angered you?. Situations or events don't dictate their love for their parents  (caretakers), just because they feel a certain way or they do not like what you did they do not hold that against you and now start rationing their love towards you, they deal with issues as they arise. Soon as that incident is over, they have moved on, they will be laughing and giggling as though  they were not crying a few seconds ago, and I can reassure you this is no fake laughter that is masked by resentment, it is from their hearts, sincere and filled with love

Even parents don't have this kind (cause they were taught by adults before them, to shun love)of love otherwise we wouldn't have cases were parents have disowned their kids, because the kid refused to be who or what their parent was modeling them to be from infancy,they decided to be true to the image they were created as, not the remodeled version . The older we become the  increasingly self serving we get, we use our love as a bargaining tool, we use it as bait, to hurt others,we have long diverted from the image we were made in. Deep in our hearts we know what love is, because we are love you see just like God , because God is love, its the tapestry that holds all the loose and flawed ends that make us who we are together. So depending on what we think about love at any given moment, when we feel it we start to question and rationalize it in our heads why this cant be it, we use what we have been taught by misguided adults and friends as a reference point, instead of going on what we know deep within to be true. People who are true to themselves are called crazy by the world, because they ARE, they are crazy enough to birth what dwells within them, to stay true to the image they were created in, that means they trust their intuition (God) and they are true to it and in-tune with it, and that is the one thing we have been taught to doubt. I suppose we have to make room for regret and remorse right?! Things that would be non-existent had we remained true to our Godly nature, part of what makes this being human ride all that annoyingly fun, and we have to fit in and not stick out among others, cause we want to be accepted and all that right???.

Its all love...

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