Friday, July 12, 2013

WOMAN vs FOOD... fighting the BULGE!

You shout in frustration I swear to God if I have to tuck this tummy into my jeans one more time I’m going to scream, pull my hair, lose my mind or die, gosh I can’t deal. Funny thing is the frustration is not enough to make you do anything about this flabby chunk of skin you hate, you have actually found ways to deal with it, and you buy clothes to accommodate it. You just hate saying how much it frustrates you so that other people know that you “can’t stand it”, and you are “trying “to do something about it, even if you are not. I am yet to hear someone say I swear to God if I have to jump up and down like this , just so I can button these pants without passing out I swear, I’m going to start running, I’m going to work out, I’m going to watch what I eat... I have never. We just love being frustrated I suppose that is enough effort.
 Then there’s those women who don’t work out, because they have “accepted their curves” they love themselves as they are, who are you kidding honey?! Well we are all curvy one way or the other, just in different places. Curves as I understand are boobs, hips and booty, that’s what people refer to when they talk about curves.  A bulging tummy is NOT a curve, it is excess skin that shouldn't be there, because it messes the beautiful female form, it hides your waist, which is one of the defining features a woman has.

To a point I know how it is having a big tummy, if pregnancy is anything to go by, it’s uncomfortable, and finding flattering clothes that highlight your other features whilst hiding the big tummy is a mission. I know having a tummy and being pregnant are two different things but its close enough, as some women don’t lose the pregnancy look years after the baby has been born, the baby fat remains. We will all hear about how she wasn't always this big, it’s the baby, 5 years down the line, Proof that we all hate the bulge. Question is then why do we choose to go on crash diets, skip meals, wear body suits that promise to accentuate our best features whilst hiding the bulging parts we don’t want everyone else to see?! Why do we go through all that drama,why fake a flat stomach and a toned booty? Well you may fake it during the day but at night you have to deal with your true self as you are, you will have to undress and let everything loose, you have to breathe after all, and those things can be unkind on your diaphragm. Why do we delay the process with contraptions that waste our time, instead of just dedicating two years of our lives to health and fitness, two years not 3 months

Then when you see a woman who has form and definition(from working out) you don’t have to detest how she looks, well because,  she unlike you is lucky, you look the way that you do due to your genes, you are big boned (no such thing). You quickly forget about your love for cupcakes and creamy doughnuts, how you can’t resist bacon slap chips, besides why should you stop eating what you love just because it’s apparently  not healthy for you? Why should you care about the snide remarks some people make about your weight, you are not bothered (even though you lash out)you love yourself and you have accepted who you are flaws and all…and if you really wanted to lose the weight you can do it anytime. Yeah right!

It is said that a 6 pack is made in the kitchen, which simply means you can work out all you want if you are not going to change what you eat, good luck reducing that waistline. I know that we don’t all have aspirations of having a 6 pack, but I do know for certain if someone was to tell us about a pill that you take for a week and it dissolves your tummy, there will no stock left on the shelves, because we know as women that a flabby tummy is not only unflattering it is also uncomfortable.  The majority of  us women do not want to exercise to achieve a flat tummy, if the money allows it we will even go under the knife, if only they didint leave all that excess, undesirable skin behind.

Wanting to look good is not about being attractive to the next person, being attractive is subjective and its differs from person to person, this is why you have to do it for yourself so that even if the object of your attraction leaves you don’t fall off the wagon, you continue looking after your body and doing what is best for it. Exercising is NOT easy to say the least, it takes commitment. You first have to convince your mind to get on board with the idea of straining your body just to have it looking a certain way.  Then you are have to watch what you eat, you have to make sure you don't consume more than you burn off, to avoid sugar and above all have limits. Know your body, do not over indulge. This is a total change in lifestyle, you now have to change your relationship with food, what it means to you, establish why do you eat more than you have to,  how you relate to food, this differs for every woman. Do you eat only for nourishment, and indulge every now and then, do you eat when you are bored to pass time, or do you eat to deal with stress and whatever emotional/personal issue? Know yourself .Therapists often say an addiction to food is one of the hardest and most challenging to overcome, because unlike alcohol and drugs we NEED to eat, we cannot live without food, basic need and all that. It won’t be easy know this, even people with petite physiques have to work their butts off if they want chiseled ABS, so why do you want it to be easy for you? 

I  personally I work out for health reasons, I don’t want to be dealing with chronic illnesses in my 40’s that seem to be the norm with our people, if I din inherit it from my parents I don't want to attain it on my own. So I would rather deal with the stress now in my 20’s than live a Eina, Eina life later on. After all it is said life begins at 40, so my body has to be on form so that I can enjoy every bit of it, keep up with my girls and not be out of breath after going up a flight of stairs, and I just hate how a flabby stomach looks, that's what motivates me. Best of luck to you, it can be done just remember you just need 2 years, don’t rush it , be kind to yourself... Maybe in two years I will have a 6 pack myself , here's to us.... 

It’s all love…

1 comment:

  1. Shuuuuuuu neh. I am ashamed to even comment because I have not stuck to my exercise routine, I keep complaining only to eat Russian and chips when I get to the office.
